The Birthday Hot List never misses. Love you SO much! Number 87 made me teary. xoxoxoxoxo

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Jun 20Liked by Margaret

Happiest bday, M! This right here: "Listening to stories and asking questions to make them longer" is important. Whether you're producing people for content or riding around on bikes with them for hours at a time in the hopes they will bestow a cash tip upon you, this is often the key. Luckily, we are nosy so this works out ;) Also still v proud of you for finishing that novel xo

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I love how you and lys both resonated with this one!! Such a simple yet profound secret.. everyone we meet is just waiting to be asked :) Thank you for the love as always Jess xxxx

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happy birthday legend!!!!!!! I am also in my jeopardy era why is it so addicting

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Omg I hope you yell out the answers also?? And ty for the wishes gf!!

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